
See here for a documented record of Mo’s “previous” if you’re interested.

Happy Halloween!

Discussion (46)¬

  1. DocAtheist says:

    ROTFLMAO!!!! Perfect, as usual, and hilariously so!

  2. Mike Orton says:

    So Funny,So Clever,So Simple,and So Very True !!!

  3. Posted on Canadian Atheist with the comment,

    “Today’s Jesus and Mo comic is serious rather than amusing. The barmaid’s comment is ambiguous.”

  4. AxePilot says:

    Same costume every year??

  5. steve oberski says:

    I’m glad I had just put my coffee down before reading this one otherwise you’d be owing me a new monitor.

  6. HaggisForBrains says:

    Yes! One of the best, and a true laugh out loud. A real treat!

  7. jerry w says:

    Breaking an ancient American Halloween tradition of not revealing who they really are, the republican party has convinced evangelicals that their Mormon Mitt’s a Christian in disguise and it’s o.k. to vote for him. At first I asked myself how anyone in their right mind could believe that story, then I realized that this question actually contained the answer.

  8. European says:

    But they are in these costumes all year round (at least Mo, the body double; not sure about Je…)

  9. Author, bravo. Another flash of brilliance. Thanks.

  10. Nassar Ben Houdja says:

    Atheists on a religious holiday
    Occasionally have something smart to say
    But why celebrate
    What you ridicule in debate
    Or do you just like to hear yourself bray?

  11. Ketil W.Grevstad says:

    they could have changed clothes with each other i think. Jesus have mo’s clothes and mo have jesu’s clothes.

    happy halloween 🙂

  12. jb says:

    they could have changed clothes with each other i think. Jesus have mo’s clothes and mo have jesu’s clothes.

    Yes, that would have been really clever! But then Jesus and Mo would have needed to be redrawn, and I’m having a hard time visualizing how that would look. (This comic is almost as bad as Dinosaur Comics in terms of reusing artwork!)

  13. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    I hear that Jesus did go trick-or-treating, but the sweets just seemed to slip through his hands.
    Ok, I know.
    Excellent again, Author.

    DH, there’s a reply to you about cheese in a can on the last thread.

  14. floridakitesurfer says:

    I could have sworn Mo was dressed as a child molester.

  15. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    “floridakitesurfer says:
    October 31, 2012 at 8:18 pm
    I could have sworn Mo was dressed as a child molester”

    He would have, but the police wouldn’t lend him one of Jimmy (every now and then the idea of Hell seems appropriate for some) Savile’s tracksuits and his jingle-jangle jewellery.

  16. David says:

    Just a note to Karl, who gibbers on:

    A sense of hunour is a sense of humour.

    Where did you lose yours?

  17. Katander says:

    I thought the idea of Halloween was to dress up as something your not… So these guys should have dressed up as something that actually exists 🙂

  18. yhwh says:

    Wonderful, Author. Made my day.

  19. Dan says:

    Isn’t Mo going as a serial killer and child molester? I’m thinking Nightmare on Eid Street.

  20. AofS I keep forgetting that things have changed in England since my last visit. They’ve changed in my country too, and I would have recognized the reference to Cheese Wiz except it came in a jar and spread like peanut butter. Sickening stuff. And yes, my mom did feed it to us unschooled kids. I didn’t taste real cheese until I was an adult. Now there was a revelation. I see I must retract my oxymoron about British cuisine. I’m out of date.

  21. jerry w says:

    @floridakitesurfer said:
    “I could have sworn Mo was dressed as a child molester”
    Yes, using what history as a guide he was going for that look. Save your swearing for the “I am not a spammer” check box at the bottom.

  22. Hobbes says:

    Cracked up!!

  23. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    Christ Almighty! Those Canadian atheists have no sense of humour at all (follow link supplied by Veronica Abbass above). Half of the comments following the re-posted comic are actually defending Mo from the ‘libel’ and ‘slander’ that Author has heaped on his head. Really!

    And is Barmaids answer in the final box really ambiguous (Canadian Atheist, again)? Well, I’ll quote my own comment that I left over there;
    “As for Barmaid’s ‘ambiguous’ response. Do you see the exclaimation mark after her words? She’s congratulating them for finally realising the truth of what we atheists have been saying for ever: If the JC story were true, then he’s a zombie; if Mo’s story is true, he’s a serial mass-murderer (his paedophilia and TLE is dealt with elsewhere in the comics).
    Now chill out and rediscover your humour.”

  24. noreligion2 says:

    Sitting on my stoop night before last, sipping a glass of wine while handing out milky ways and hershey bars to little princesses and batmen and greatly enjoying the parade of personalities, and costumes, I was approached by a teenage girl with a smile on her face saying, “I don’t want anything. I just want to give you this.” I knew before I even took it from her hand that it would be some form of proselytizing material.
    Believe it or not, it was a comic-book story about a guy covered with tatoos, in his twenties, living with his aunt and uncle. He was having nightmares about zombies coming to get him. The fine upstanding christian relatives told him god was talking to him through his dreams and they then began reading scripture to him to save him from becoming a purposeless, wandering zombie. Basically, they were telling him to follow jesus. I kid you not. The lesson was stop thinking for yourself, join a starry-eyed hoard who flock to the same location once a week and drone-on in group monotone prayer and then line up to eat their saviour’s flesh and drink his blood.

    Author, your genious is superb and the coincidence “miraculous”. It kind of begs the question, if one were to come across a broken irony meter just lying in the sand, wouldn’t one have to conclude an intelligent discerner left it there after an encounter with a brainwashed zombie?

  25. noreligion2 says:

    AoS, I don’t think you should lump all the Canadian atheists in with that Joe fellow, he obviously can’t see the forest for his incorrect pedantry. According to his source, a serial killer is someone who has killed three or more people over a period of more than a month for reasons of “anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking,” I don’t think taking possession of one’s victims’ women and children would be too much of a stretch to think of as financial gain, and every other one of those motivations is clearly part of Mo’s pattern. As for the slander accusation… Joe must have a sense of humor, that is patently RIDICULOUS. LOL

  26. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    Noreligion2, obviously I was referring to the C.A’s on the site, not a one of them got the joke, which I’m sure isn’t a fair representation of Canadian atheists in general. That Joe fellow’s arguments to me were just a series of Wikipedia definitions so I kindly pointed out that Wiki definitions are largely written by people who define the terms to mean what they want then to mean – very much lke the hoy books.
    Your Halloween experience has given me an idea. This year we should all print off a few J&M’s (with Author’s permission, of course) and turn them into cards to send to our religious friends at Christmas. Or maybe Author could do a deal with Hallmark?…..

  27. beechnut says:

    No, not ambiguous! They came as themselves. So true! Surely, that’s a moral advance?

  28. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    Yes, but we’ve seen these advances before, but they’re only ever transitory; brief flashes of reality before the shutters come crashing back down.
    A little like Nassar’s contributions.
    Or at least as he’d have us to believe, eh Hotrats? Only kidding, my hypothesis is on hold awaiting further developments.

  29. beechnut says:

    Atheists on a religious holiday
    Occasionally have something smart to say
    But why celebrate
    What you ridicule in debate
    Or do you just like to hear yourself bray?

    Now Nassar, whose rhymes are mere braying,
    Would like atheists all to start praying,
    Though “religion” to him
    Is a mere Yankee whim
    From a pre-Celtic rite, long decaying.

    By the way, nothing about the modern custom of Hallowe’en is European, not even pumpkins.

  30. beechnut says:

    Yes, but we’ve seen these advances before, but they’re only ever transitory; brief flashes of reality before the shutters come crashing back down.

    Well, of course, what you say is true, AoS, but the barmaid is right: one has to keep up the encouragement. It’s probably a hopeless task, but it’s better to live in hope…or something. Oh bugger, why do we bother? except that these people are STILL THERE. Why can’t people just be reasonable? Stupid question, of course. Maybe Nassar will compose a sub-doggerel to explain it…

  31. beechnut says:

    No, not a sub-doggerel, an under-doggerel!

  32. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    The religion they spout is a farce
    The words in their books rarely parse
    But the priest, he says “So?
    “There are things we can’t know”
    And then sticks his head back up his arse.

  33. AofS. Oh no, the limerick has broken out again and you’re giving NBH a run for his money. It’s like the dreaded luuurgey all over again.

  34. hotrats says:

    If the topic is still Hallowe’en
    Why do children, besmeared black and green
    Now extort, on your premises
    Candy, with menaces
    And threats of reprisals obscene?

  35. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    DH, yeah, I know. I was just following up on Noreligion2’s heartfelt cry for answers.

  36. European says:

    Admittedly, this is not about the One Mo is body-doubling for, but about how His followers emulate Him, reality beating satire – but people are getting lynched (and potentially executed by the state of Pakistan!) over these non-issues [not my blog, btw]:

  37. Slowdjinn says:

    @DH – Quick! Take this trombone!

  38. WalterWalcarpit says:

    @ beechnut ‘By the way, nothing about the modern custom of Hallowe’en is European, not even pumpkins.’

    Actually, you’d be surprised if you look closer. The pre-christian tradition of hallowe’en was about a time when the separation between life and not-life was at its thinnest. Thus skeletons hanging in windows were as much a ‘hello’ as a ‘stay-away!’ and similarly turnips were carved as skulls, candles and all. But when the Irish arrived in the Americas they found turnips would not grow and that pumpkins were much easier to carve. Just sayin’

  39. WalterWalcarpit says:

    Author, truly brilliant.
    I’m loathe to say ‘best yet’ but it would be close.
    You cracked us all up at work the other night.

  40. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    Anybody else think the world’s just that little bit safer now the election results are in? I’ll bet the Palestinians are breathing slightly easier this morning.

  41. HaggisForBrains says:

    @ AoS – Agreed, what a relief.

  42. WalterWalcarpit says:

    Yes, me too. I’ll sleep easier tonight.

  43. David Hart says:

    Nasser: “Atheists on a religious holiday
    Occasionally have something smart to say
    But why celebrate
    What you ridicule in debate
    Or do you just like to hear yourself bray?”

    Come on; if you’re going to berate us in limerick, at least make it scan.
    It goes
    diddy-dum, diddy-dum, diddy dum,
    diddy-dum, diddy-dum, diddy dum,
    diddy-dum, diddy-dum,
    diddy-dum, diddy-dum,
    diddy-dum, diddy-dum, diddy dum,

  44. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    David – don’t even try! Many of us have been driven to the brink of madness through trying to teach Nassar the basics; it’s like talking to a slightly intelligent wailing wall.


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