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Jesus has been reading Gurwinder again. You should too!

Discussion (13)¬

  1. Bvereshagen says:

    I just used Author ‘s link to read this guy. Good stuff! Thanks Author!

  2. Rebecca says:

    Or as the I Ching advises, ‘the best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good. ‘ but I enjoy being overly polite to people I don’t like for the sole purpose of annoying them

  3. Donn Cave says:

    The nicest US president ever died a couple days ago, Jimmy Carter. Widely despised for being such a nice guy, and trying so hard to do good, especially because he acted like that’s how Christians like him should do. Christians across the nation pooled their resources to replace him with Ronald Reagan, who knew the value of negative partisanship.

  4. Tebirkes says:

    Just curious, Author. Do you get requests for product NONplacement? I mean, is Guiness content to see their product not-so-cryptically placed in your rather iconoclastic web comic? Or is it just that they don’t know to whom they can complain?

  5. Author says:

    Tebirkes, I don’t think they know about it.

  6. Bvereshagen says:

    I am sure that Guiness would be absolutely delighted to discover their product in a comic that mocks religion and shows Mohammed drinking alcohol.

  7. Donn Cave says:

    Sure, there are but few religious sorts there, I expect?

  8. Tebirkes says:


    You know, Author, you could turn product NONplacement into a lucrative sideline, somewhat like “Marie the Nuisance fl. 1340”, whom tavern-goers paid to NOT play her bagpipes at them. And OK, she’s unlikely to have existed as depicted in the meme, but hey – take inspiration where you find it.

    By the way, I’d enjoy being driven crazy by decent behaviour (Peace, Tolerance, Love, & Humility) among those who traditionally don’t.

  9. Forteatwo says:

    Donn Cave, your point is well taken and gives one pause. Jimmy Carter represented much of what is good in Christianity, giving aid and comfort to those less fortunate. The face of Christian culture in the United State today is very different. That face is Donald Trump, a serial sex offender, convicted felon and compulsive liar; the hero of Catholics and evangelical Christians everywhere

  10. M27Holts says:

    Religion is just a political gambit to suppress the sheep. Wasn’t it Marx who said that it was the opium of the people? Most people are morons…an unfortinate but true assesment from an optimistic pessimiist view of the status quo…

  11. Donn Cave says:

    The rest of that thought about Carter — I wondered if his downfall was exactly his Christian belief.

    I mean, holding all else as equal as reasonably possible. I don’t think it’s at all unreasonable that an atheist could have and practice more or less the same virtues, but Carter would then run off about the mouth about his faith etc. (Of course I’m not talking about an out-of-the closet professed atheist, just the usual politician who claims to believe but really doesn’t give it much thought.)

    Honestly, half a century ago, I don’t remember much, but that’s my theory: Jimmy Carter’s Christian faith itself was a big turn-off for everyone, including Christians. They’ll never vote for a presidential candidate who doesn’t profess to be Christian, but insincerity is not just taken for granted, it’s more or less required. The only good saint is a dead saint.

  12. dr Jonn the Wipper says:

    Donn Cave:
    “The nicest US president ever”
    .. depends whom youare asking.
    HE was the pres that gave LOTS of modern weaponry to the Mujahedeen to “fight the Russians”. One faction turned taliban.
    Now ask the Afghan females how that turned out (if they are even allowed to answer)

  13. Donn Cave says:

    We have always had this moral ambiguity, I think fundamentally between intra-tribe and inter-tribe standards of behavior. Nice people define tribe broadly, and have generous standards of behavior, but everyone has limits. Even the pope.

    There’s also a difference between having good intentions and getting good outcomes. In a piece I saw on Carter’s White House solar panels, Reagan gets beat up a little for letting them get taken off, but also a note that his fossil fuel tack played a large role in bring down the Soviet Union, which lost funding when oil went down to $20 a barrel. Does that make Reagan a saint? Hardly.


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