
Poor Ganesh.

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Discussion (22)¬

  1. Jim Campbell says:

    Oh, and can you put some music on the number box please, Barmaid? Fleetwood Mac’s Tusk would be just fine.

  2. Jim Campbell says:

    JUKE box, dammit. Idiot auto-carrot.

  3. hotrats says:

    Don’t be too hard on Ganesh, he’s also the god of cricket.

  4. paradoctor says:

    I take it from the spiky word balloon that Ganesh talks in a big booming voice.

  5. Alan Flynn says:

    Nice to meet Ganesh. Have any other gods or prophets been portrayed besides Jesus, Mo, Moses and Ganesh?

  6. Peter says:

    @paradoctor, I’d like to think it’s a deep voice like an arena organ, but I’m guessing it’s more of a vuvuzela sound.

  7. jb says:

    My question is answered! Yay!

    Also, elephants get drunk very easily, despite their size. They don’t metabolize alcohol well.

  8. Keith says:

    I love the addition of Ganesh

  9. Author says:

    Alan Flynn – Thor – https://www.jesusandmo.net/comic/gods/ and https://www.jesusandmo.net/comic/short/
    Joseph Smith hung around for a while, starting here: https://www.jesusandmo.net/comic/angel/
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster makes an appearance here: https://www.jesusandmo.net/comic/weird/

    I think that’s it.

  10. postdoggerel says:

    Barmaid: “Sorry, Ganesh, but your last request entails a breach of our rule against frotteurism, not to mention the absence of a proper back end code here at the Cock & Bull.”

  11. M27Holts says:

    Good job Elephants can’t metabolise alcohol, they would soon drink all our beer…and who would argue wirh an elephant if it nicked your pint?

  12. postdoggerel says:

    In Botswana they smear ghost pepper concentrate on telephone pole size timbers and plant them like traffic barricades around their huts to deter the elephants from invading their compound at night. The elephants never forgot that. They went somewhere else for their beer.

  13. M27Holts says:

    Just give em Fosters or Carling Black Label, or any of the tasteless mass produced yank beers…they would all piss off to Belgium or Germany for their beer then

  14. Jon says:

    Great to see the mockery of more than Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Now the target is Hinduism’s “top god” Ganesha! (Let’s hope more religion’s gods will be in the sights soon.)

  15. M27Holts says:

    Post-Dog, thanks for the heads up…looks like perfect, beside the pool in the shade with an ice-cold lager ( when in rome) read to me…

  16. MrGronk says:

    Why do the elephants have big ears?

    Because Noddy forgot to pay the ransom.

  17. Arun says:

    गानचातुराय गानप्राणाय गानान्तरात्मने
    गनौत्सुकाय गानमत्ताय गनौत्सुकमनसे ||

    Gaanachaturaya(One who is skilled/very clever in Music)
    ganaapranaya(The life of Music)
    gaanantaratmane(The very innermost soul of Music)
    Gaanotsukhay(One who is exited/very Happy with Music)
    Gaanamattaya(One who is intoxicated with Music)
    gannott sukha mana se(One who’s Heart longs(eagerly waits) for Music)
    गीत साराय गीत तत्वाय गीत गोत्राय धीमहि

    Geet saraya(One who is the Substance of Song/Music)
    Geet tatvaya(The quintessential/Essence of Song/Music)
    Geet stotraya(One who is the enricher of Music) dheemahi (I meditate on you)!

    That is Sri Ganesha!

  18. Arun says:

    How we meditate on Him!
    (A classical dance to the song I mentioned above)

  19. Arun says:

    Not only music, but also dance. To quote: Nritya Ganapati is regarded as the 15th among the 32 different forms of Ganapati. The Sanskrit word ‘Nritya’ means ‘dance.’ Nritya Ganapati, as the name suggests, is a dancer or a happy dancer, and thus represents the relaxed and enjoyable form of the Lord…..Nritya Ganapati is a happy and kind-hearted aspect of the Lord. This dancer form also shows Ganapati as a connoisseur of fine arts. Hence his worship is believed to bestow the devotees with an aptitude for learning fine arts, proficiency in them, and also success and fame in that field. Hence this Lord is widely worshipped by artists, and especially by dancers.

  20. jb says:

    Arun — Interesting video! I like Western art, and I have nothing against cultural exchanges, but Western influence on art has been heavy in all parts of the world (including in India: e.g., Bollywood, etc.), so I appreciate that there are pockets that at least to my untrained eye and ear still seem to be completely untouched. Indian classical dance is one of them.

  21. two cents' worth says:

    Arun, thanks for the link to the video! I also enjoyed watching it. It reminded me of when I was in college and a student from India taught some of us to sing Bengali songs by Tagore, and taught others to dance to those songs, so we could perform them during the annual International Week celebration. (I sang some songs and danced to others.) Dress rehearsal was a bit of a shock, since that was when we first had the sitar and tabla accompany us while we sang and danced–they made the music much richer. I still remember some of the songs and some of the dance moves. It was fun to learn them–the songs and vocal techniques were very different from the Western music I’d sung with various choral groups, and (aside from all the pliés) the dances were very different from what I’d learned in ballet class.


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