
A resurrection from 2007 today. Normal service will be resumed next week, inshallah.

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. M27Holts says:

    So we have
    z + z z * 2 (where z is any positive imteger)
    and therefor…
    z – z = 0 is clearly a false proposition
    Eating a juicy streaky bacon barmcake with H.P sauce is an affront to your invisible friend and must be abolished…

  2. postdoggerel says:

    M27, at this point in time your claim cannot be disputed. There may come a time when bollocks can be undisputedly rendered inane, but we may have to wait a bit for such a time to return.

  3. My friend Prof Michael Dyer introduced me to your comic strips and I’ve been enjoying them all morning.

  4. Author says:

    Glad to hear it, John. Thanks for dropping by.


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