

Another resurrection today from 2007.

Discussion (13)¬

  1. Andréa says:

    Second panel – “. . . theY thelebrate . . .”

  2. Rebecca says:

    Catholic math = the rhythm method

  3. M27Holts says:

    Aren’t they hung up on 222 * 3 ?

  4. postdoggerel says:

    The Catholic Church, at the Council of Trent in 1545, was a century and a half ahead Sir Isaac Newton in defining Mass.

  5. Postdoggerel says:

    One day, Jesus said to his disciples, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3^2 + 8x – 9.”
    A man who had just joined the disciples looked very confused and asked Peter, “What on Earth does he mean by that?”
    Peter replied, “Don’t worry, it’s just another one of his parabolas.”

  6. M27Holts says:

    Postdog….not heard that joke since O Level maths 1980…🤣

  7. paradoctor says:

    The full prime factorization is 2*3*3*37.

    Surely you mean x^2 instead of 3^2.
    x^2 + 8x – 9 = 0 has two solutions: x=1 and x=-9

  8. postdoggerel says:

    paradoctor, it is not for me to question the word of God.
    Let me explain. There was a doctor who went to visit a patient in a hospital he had never been to before. When he arrived, he saw a huge wisteria vine fashioned into an elaborate maze surrounding the facility. He approached a nurse exiting the maze and asked where he could find the geriatric ward. The nurse replied, “The ward lurks in wisteria’s maze.”

  9. M27Holts says:

    Paradoctor..that aint no use to the xtian know-nowts? 4 prime factorisation? God the Son, God the Father and God the Holy Ghost…the Triumvirate is sacrosanct…so you musy have added…GTS,GTF,GTHG and GTFOOI….

  10. paradoctor says:

    M27Holts: GTFOOI?
    What does 37 mean to _you?_

  11. M27Holts says:

    God The Figment Of Optimistic Imagination…

  12. M27Holts says:

    FOOI is pronounced Phooey


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