
33:50 and 33:36

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Discussion (9)¬

  1. M27Holts says:

    Access to compliant wimmin of all ages. The main reason for cult leaders to fabricate a tissue of lies…

  2. M27Holts says:

    Of course you don’t have to buy into the bollocks do you?

  3. Ar. says:

    Have you read The Sheltering Sky? The protagonist ends up making herself the sexual slave of a caravan master and his second in command, his brother.
    That’s what you call a fantasy, and not from a woman but from a male British writer.

  4. Bvereshagen says:

    Somehow I just can’t imagine Jesus or the Buddha keeping sex slaves. L. Ron Hubbard maybe.

  5. E.A. Blair says:

    Is it possible that Donald Trump is a descendant of Mo?

  6. Shaughn says:

    Author, I see the full text popping up instead of the usual few tag words. An error perhaps, or ion purpose?

  7. Choirboy says:

    Second square – ‘it’s’ for ‘it’

  8. Author says:

    Thanks, Shaughn. Pasted the script in the wrong box.

  9. Author says:

    Argh! Thanks Choirboy. Will have to fix that tomorrow.


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