
Is that Moses causing trouble already?

Discussion (35)¬

  1. tinkling think says:

    Logically, Jesus can’t be Christian as that would be rather narcissistic of him. Though being Jewish and worshipping himself as the Daddy-part is also slightly self-promoting so that’s a bad thing, too.

    Maybe he’s a Wiccan?

    Or an Odinist?

    Maybe he believes in me? Yes, that’s it, he’s a Meist. I’m sure some priest, many years ago mentioned this.

  2. raymondm says:


  3. raymondm says:

    (Emojis don’t work. Drat)

  4. tinkling think says:

    Of course, as the Daddy-part, Jesus is also an atheist. A Gnostic Atheist. He doesn’t believe in any gods, he just knows that there is one and he’s it.

    He’s sort of like a cat.

  5. tinkling think says:


    Aaaahhh, the chocolate ice-cream scoop one!

  6. […] Today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “theme”, came with an email note: […]

  7. tinkling think says:

    Okay, raymondm, the style sheet used doesn’t display emojis in my Firefox, either though it does show them inside the typey-edit-commenty box. In there, I think my styles rule, elsewhere on the page I think the Good Author sets the schemes.

    You could always edit your browser’s profile settings to use your styles, fonts and gubbings. That might work.

  8. DocAtheist says:


  9. hotrats says:

    I’m grateful that J&M is an emoji free zone. Cheezy cartoon hieroglyphics approximating your emotional state are no substitute for actually having something interesting to say. It’s bad enough finding little piles of shit on the street, without them turning up on the page, thumbs up, shrug, aubergine, winking smiley, turd, turd.

  10. Bruce Gray says:

    Odinist? Or Onanist

  11. Peter says:

    Thank God I’m an atheist.

  12. M27Holts says:

    I reckon onanism is back in fashion, with lockdown and all that….

  13. Laripu says:

    Hotrats – 🙂 😉 You can’t avoid a world-wide trend.

    Speaking of which, it seems Jews are being blamed for COVID-19 but a wide spectrum of hate groups. So are other scapegoats, like Asians, Muslims, 5G telephone communications; but it looks like Jews are the common scapegoat for people that like scapegoats.

    Way back in the early 60s, Tom Lehrer wrote a satiric song called National Brotherhood Week, and yes still true. Here’s one verse:

    Oh the protestants hate the catholics
    And the catholics hate the protestants
    And the hindus hate the muslims
    And everybody hates the jews.

    My conclusion is that people are hateful immoral shïts, on the whole.

  14. tinkling think says:

    Laripu, but the Asians are to blame for Winnie’s Flu. True, not all of them and not the ones living and born here but the Chinese who made Kung Flu Wuhan are Asian.

    Of course, we, too, are to blame for spreading it far and wide. Us and our cheap holidays and aeroplanes and packages from Amazon and takeaway from the local chippie.

    We should ban travelling, ban get-togethers, ban shopping, ban … oh … wait … right. Okay.

    I wonder how far Mr. Musk is getting on with his rockets to Mars? Suddenly, they don’t seem like such an idiotic option any more.

    Hotrats, I *like* the little smiley chocolate ice-cream scoop one. It’s so sweet and cool and sort of kittenish. 🙂

  15. Son of Glenner says:

    Laripu: It has been scientifically proved that Covid-19 is caused by emoji, but I’m not allowed to tell you the evidence.

  16. Someone says:

    On the one hand, I don’t mind being housebound as I’m an antisocial introvert who hates spending 2 or so hours of my day commuting to and from work. Plus I get to work from home and play music I like, and not have to worry about dressing up to be presentable. What few friends I have can wait to be seen again.
    On the other, I fucking despise the faulty remote access I and my colleagues have been assigned, as it slows everything down and makes phone communication more difficult than it needs to be, to say nothing of when it crashes and ruins my day’s progress (about 3 or 4 times a day). I suppose I also don’t really appreciate risking a fine from an overzealous cop for wishing to make a trip to the grocery store.
    The fact that this is a new normal is something I’m grudgingly coming to accept, and although it should be easy to ignore the news and just function in my self-contained solitude, I can’t help but read about the political and social idiocy and hubris of certain persons (and groups) who seemingly want this pandemic to last longer just so they can feel better about themselves right now; to find their scapegoat and dance around the fact their stupidity is only going to make things worse.
    For those morons, I feel no sympathy, and hope they contract the virus and learn firsthand just what it is they’re messing with. It’s just a matter of time and holding on to what sanity is left.

  17. two cents' worth says:

    M27Holts, I think that onanism never goes out of style 😉 .

  18. M27Holts says:

    Well…that scientist got fed up with it and shipped in his hot married lover….cost him his job…

  19. Nele Abels says:

    The steering wheel is on the right? And I always thought that Jesus, Mo, and their pals were living in the US…

  20. Paul Seed says:

    Is this the one with the avatar?

  21. Paul Seed says:

    Jesus is certainly Jewish on his mother’s side (Mary); and his adoptive father (Joseph) has a genealogy going back to King David. Actually, Joseph has two genealogies, and two fathers. Compare Matthew 1:1–17, which finishes “… Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ…” with Luke 3:23028, which starts “And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli…”

    So Joseph had two fathers – Jacob and Heli, both descended from David. That or two people wrote quite different spurious genealogies. They can’t even agree as to the line from Abraham to David. As these are both father-to-son, there should really be only one line.

  22. tinkling think says:

    Mr. Seed, having two fathers isn’t all that rare. All it means is that Jesus’s granny was a bit of a friendly lady with two boyfriends. Through most of human history, DNA testing hasn’t been available, so, with a few choices of possible parentage, it was sometimes more or less a guess who the daddy was.

    The mummy of most humans was pretty much a given. Though hidden pregnancies and dumping infants at Fire Station doorsteps would even obscure that one, too.

    So, Joe’s mummy told one tale to those who reported to Matt and another one to those who eventually passed it on to Luke [whose daddy was probably not a Sith apprentice] and, as with many other internal contradictions, the collators and editors of the books never made the connection.

    It happens. Human reportage is fallible.

    Though, as Joe wasn’t any relation to Jesus, I never understood why they would bother to invent a great, huge, elite ancestry for him. He was just a schmuck who got cuckolded and let with child support, he wasn’t important.

    Joe didn’t need a ret-conned backstory.

    Someone, on the subject of robocops being party-poopers, I was invited to a V.E. Day shindig, a street do. I didn’t go. I, too, am wary of armoured cyborgs with farking big guns. I’ll have a look at the local newspaper’s website over the weekend to see whether the event got raided but that’s about as close as I’ll get.

    Yes, it’s yet another excuse for being an asocial lump but it’s a good one. 🙂

  23. Laripu says:

    I just noticed that Moses, when using the word god, leaves out the middle letter in the manner of religious Jews: “G-d”

    Author, that’s clever cultural sensitivity.

    But, but, but, … how does he pronounce that ???

  24. OtterBe says:

    But the D is capitalized as well. G–D.
    Is Moses saying “God Damnit, that’s some…” ?

  25. M27Holts says:

    Is the omission of characters deliberate, so to avoid annoying a non existant entity? The mind truly bogles at hunan stupidity? I hate the fact that I am related to all those stupid fookers, why didnt mum shag that alien who.landed in our back garden in 1964???

  26. Suffolk Blue says:

    As they say, it should be easy enough to determine the DNA of Jesus simply by analysing a communion wafer.

  27. postdoggerel says:

    roses are reddish
    violets are bluish
    mohammed was muslim
    and jesus was jewish

  28. tinkling think says:

    M27holts, had Mummy met an alien you would still be related to all of the scumbags, scunners and scam-artists but only on one side.

    What you would need is for Daddy, too, to meet an alien. No, not the daddy you have now, but the alien one you want Mummy to meet. That way, you would be unrelated to the original bunch of icky-guys and would have been related to an entirely new bunch of scunners, scam-artists, scumbags and demented General Zods.

    Just like Kal.

    Very few [fictional] aliens are any better than Humans and most are a great deal worse. I offer, as a random sample, the Daleks. [ Yes, those critters do mate successfully with Humans though the fertility of the mergers and offspring is not often discussed.]

  29. tinkling think says:

    Roses are many colours,
    Voilets can be, too,
    Mohammed was Arabic
    And Jesus part-Jew.

    [Probably, on his mummy’s side.]

  30. tinkling think says:

    M27holts, had Mummy met an alien you would still be related to all of the scumbags, scunners and scam-artists but only on one side.

    What you would need is for Daddy, too, to meet an alien. No, not the daddy you have now, but the alien one you want Mummy to meet. That way, you would be unrelated to the original bunch of icky-guys and would have been related to an entirely new bunch of scunners, scam-artists, scumbags and demented General Zods.

    Just like Kal.

    Very few [fictional] aliens are any better than Humans and most are a great deal worse. I offer, as a random sample, the Daleks. [ Yes, those critters do mate successfully with Humans though the fertility of the mergers and offspring is not often discussed.]

  31. Someone says:

    Christ may have been
    An alien, but Mohammed
    Was likely insane.

  32. Son of Glenner says:

    Apparently, in Jewish Law, it only requires the mother of a child to be Jewish for the child to be considered a Jew, regardless of whether or not the father is Jewish. (Handy where the biological father is unknown, as in the case of Jesus!)

  33. […] Brothers can quarantine together).  Mo has apologized to Jesus for doubting he was Jewish (see last week’s strip), but then makes matters worse by drawing a distinction between conspiratorial Jews and Rothschild […]

  34. OtterBe says:

    Re: Moses saying ‘G-D’rather than ‘God’
    It seems that to destroy the word ‘God’ is blasphemy, so the faithful were enjoined not to write it down lest that paper be later destroyed. Also sounds like the debate over whether publishing it on the net should be prohibited is still ongoing.
    I imagine one would regard Moses as orthodox even tho he presents as a bit of a new-age hippy, so this is the best explanation imo.
    Not >even< gonna try futzing with putting a link in here: those who care can find this info at

  35. […] is the 1002nd episode of Jesus & Mo. In this strange timeless lockdown I failed to notice the 1000th two weeks ago – which is a shame because I was going to invite all you readers round for a […]


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