
Discussion (15)¬

  1. TB says:

    I hope it is not in the Guiness?

  2. TaoAndZen says:

    J & Mo swallow! I’m in stitches. Barmaids give good head.

  3. Sir Beast says:

    Gives a new meaning to the term “Jesus Juice”!

  4. TB says:

    I hope we are all wrong… I desperately hope! I desperately hope the semen lies frozen, and well hidden away.

  5. OK, I may portray Mohammed riding piggyback on his buka’d wife, but you have him inadvertently drinking a Jesus/Mo/Guinness sperm cocktail. Seriously, dude. You win.

  6. Sir Beast says:

    Whoa… RT throws in the towel… that’s some acclammation if ya ask me.

    BTW RT – even though you say J&M has out done you (THIS TIME!) I for one will keep reading yours, too, cuz it’s as truly f’n funny as J&M!

    You two seriously should collaborate on an animated series for [adult swim] 😉 It’d be SOOO much better than that “Assy McGee” tripe

  7. Hey! Sir Beast may be on to something…

    If not a full blown animated series, maybe some sort of web comic crossover project involving characters from both strips. You know, like when the Harlem Globetrotters would show up on Scooby-Doo to enhance the already madcap mystery solving antics.

    Double the heresy, double the fun.

  8. These scripts are everything a comic could hope to be… extremely funny, thought provoking and slightly sticky 🙂 Is there any online outfit in EU that carries them? I’d dearly like to own a copy of these 2 🙂

  9. TB says:

    Happy new year, let’s hope the seven is the lucky number this time.

  10. Sir Beast says:

    hrm… RT makes a good point with the crossover…

    Maybe some sort of “Divinity Discussion” panel/strip with Jesus & Mohammed from both RT & J&M – 2 of each could lead to some interesting arguments Jesus might have with himself. What WOULD Jesus do?

  11. TB says:

    Jesus would fire – bomb Babylon I suppose.

    Then purge San Francisco?

  12. Thank you very much for having followed my suggestion.


  13. Michael Gray says:

    Congratulations, sir!
    Both on your wit, and your stance against superstitious nonsese!
    (And for making me laugh)

    Please keep producing more of your “medicine for mankind”!

  14. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    “….and that’s how you get a head on a Guiness”.

  15. HaggisForBrains says:

    +1 AoS.


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