
You’ll find no one drunken or rowdy
In the streets on the weekend in Saudi,
Where respect for the law is ensured
With the whip and the stone and the sword.

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Discussion (19)¬

  1. carolita says:

    I’ve been wondering about Sharia. For example. You can stone a woman to death for walking around without covering the shape of her body completely, thus endangering men somehow, by provoking their lust. But wouldn’t it be easier to just start handing out tickets to men as soon as they look at a woman too droolingly, or make a comment, or make her feel oppressed? This assuming the woman doesn’t have her whole ass hanging out and her boobs on total display (which is allowed here, and even disturbs me — I mean, you just HAVE to look, and I’m not even really that interested! It’s just transfixing!).

    I’m sure women would appreciate it. I’d like to see the next guy who pesters me on the street get a ticket for it. Or the next guy who doesn’t close his legs a little on the subway so as to leave me some room to sit down without rubbing thighs the whole way to work. Maybe men need to be punished for being leches! Then we’d all get along! Then when these Sharia men go abroad they wouldn’t look around them in NYC and call normal women “whores” and “prostitutes,” which they do, BTW. It’s not very nice, you know. We don’t appreciate it at all!

    I say give tickets to men, slam them in jail, and if you want some harsh Sharia limb-losing, just castrate rapists and child molesters. I mean, since the rules of the West don’t apply. Why not have some fun with Sharia instead?

  2. Marc says:

    “Sharia”…isn’t that from the score of “West Bank Story?”

  3. Warren says:

    Carolita — while your critiques are reasonable, you’re forgetting something very important, which is that men are never to be blamed or held responsible for their actions under any circumstances, particularly where Teh Sekx is concerned.

    Or so saith Sharia. And, for that matter, all extreme fundamentalist religion I’ve ever encountered.

  4. Jonathan says:

    “I mean, you just HAVE to look”.

    I think this is the basis of the idea in sharia that women are always to blame for having female bodies. Of course, there’s a good bit of it in prudish western society too. But Carolita, I doubt that if you saw boobs on total display every day that you’d still have the same reaction. After all, in prudish western society (if that’s where you are located) boobs on total display are not exactly an everyday thing, and whenever boobs are found to be on total display people are transfixed until the law arrives to establish order.

    Nevertheless, I would welcome boobs on total display, even though I am only transfixed by certain boobs. Total display would serve to gradually break down the status quo of the female body’s being a fetish object, resulting in an open, healthy approach to sex. The question is, do we really want that?

    (Btw, I am not making fun of you, but I was transfixed by your choice of words.)

  5. olive ginger says:

    “The question is, do we really want that?”
    Oh no, are we going into the whole Foulcault theory of sexual repression?
    Something I found made me more comfortable with my body and nudity in general was taking life drawing lessons. Maybe that’s what’s needed in sharia-land (don’t want to make mistakes – don’t know where it’s applied by law or by custom, etc)…

  6. Jonathan says:

    “The question is, do we really want that?”

    Actually, I meant that half ironically (if there is such a thing), and I’ve forgotten everything I may once have known (or not known) about Foucault.

    I’m all for healthy attitudes towards sex, but I am curious about what healthy attitudes towards sex would do to motivation if theories attributing motivation to sexual repression are correct.

  7. Tie says:

    I’m from Spain and when I grew up we had commercials on tv at normal times with boobs on it, like shampoo commercials with some girl showering and you could see some flashing tits,
    same in Italy I think,

    to be honest once you can see it on tv at and early age and every new stands have section with playboys with the covers visible (no cardboard covering the good bits in Spain oh no) then kids simply grow up with a more normal attitude to the female body…

    seriously the more you hide something the more weird and fetished it becomes.

    And that does not mean that I grew up obsessed with boobs, if anything it takes the mystery and taboo away from it…

    and that can only be a good thing … since the alternative is Sharia, ninjas and stones.

  8. […] Jesus and Mo » Archive » sharia Sharia, Sharia, Shariiiiiiaa! (tags: jesus_and_mo comics sharia islam islamismus) […]

  9. mat says:

    is Mo singing in the shower?

  10. Ding says:

    Looks more like a concentration camp

  11. olive ginger says:

    Yeah, Jonathan, I got that it was ironic 😉
    or half so.
    just being a silly Foucault semi-hater here (they is a big fan of ‘im at me school fer some reason… can’t get enough of ‘im, so now ‘e pops up in me mind at all times)

  12. Shoe says:

    i see the point about men not being held accountable for looking at women while women are ordered to wear the burqas.

    oh wait. no i don’t. i don’t think any of you have ever been to taliban country (Pakistan’s NWFP). everyone walks around with rifles and if you even look at a woman (even while in burqa), her husband will likely shoot you dead on the spot. Peshawer has been tamed up quite a bit under Prez. Musharraf.

    as for the specifics about sharia and whatever, stoning, etc. i’m assuming everyone can work wikipedia…

  13. Lewy says:

    “I mean, you just HAVE to look”.

    For the sake of equality I feel I should point out that any man walking around with his penis hanging out/only partially obscured etc or his ass cheeks on display (i.e thong) or whatever is also going to get a few stares.

  14. NoAstronomer says:

    ‘For the sake of equality I feel I should point out that any man walking around with his penis hanging out …. is also going to get a few stares.’

    Which is why I’m much more careful nowadays.

    btw I think the cartoon is supposed to be Mo walking home late at night, alone, extolling the virtues of sharia to any would be muggers.

  15. Miles says:

    In Japan, they used to have mixed hot springs. Men and women bathing together.
    Then WW2, american martial law, new consitution, and banning most old
    customs for “indecency”, introductions of panties, and protestant/christian values on men/women introduced or reinforced.

    This led to today`s society with panties-obsessed pervert, men-only/women-only hot spring, women-only wagon in the train ( to avoid pervert groping them during rush hour ).

    Just my two cents.

    Introduced the wrong ideas and you get the wrong results…
    If everybody was a bit more open on nude body / men/women differences,
    maybe we`ll get less perverts and more healthy people.

  16. dd says:

    “You’ll find no one drunken or rowdy
    In the streets on the weekend in Saudi,
    Where respect for the law is ensured
    With the whip and the stone and the sword.”

    You’ll find no one drunken or rowdy
    In the streets on the weekend in Singapore either, though they dont have sharia, they have strict punishments for vandalism and even littering on the streets… seems to be working though… wish i could implement such a control here… after all there should be some value given for social pressure…

  17. peterNW1 says:

    Is Mo a Jet or a Shark?

  18. Therese says:

    >>I’ve been wondering about Sharia. For example. You can stone a woman to death for walking around without covering the shape of her body completely, thus endangering men somehow, by provoking their lust.<<

    No you can’t. If one wants to oppose Shariah, or even speak about it intelligently, one should understand the general concepts of it. Even if you just want to hit on the more sensational points, you need to get them right. There is also, unfortunately, the issue of being fair and accurate in criticism. Sometimes, crazy Muslims do things that transgress Shariah – like the Taleban whipping women with electrical cords on their ankles in the streets. There’s nothing in Islamic law that allows this.

  19. smartalek says:

    “Sometimes, crazy Muslims do things that transgress Shariah – like the Taleban whipping women with electrical cords on their ankles in the streets. There’s nothing in Islamic law that allows this.”

    You mean the last of the Prophets (pbuh) did not get The Word from Gabriel that there would one day be something called “electricity,” which would sometimes travel through strands of wire enclosed in a dielectric known as “cords,” that would be just perfect for enforcing the modesty required of women, by being applied in a whiplike manner against any flesh revealed by the swish of a skirt?
    I don’t believe it.


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