March 12th, 2025
A new one. Just brought our whole selves back from a brief holiday.
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Where I worked it was “Bring your authentic self to work”. I wanted to ask what if your authentic self is a reactionary curmudgeon, but the occasion never came up. (This was during the whole George Floyd insanity, so the question might not have been well received, but I was close enough to retirement not to care).
I met a fellow years ago, who believed that our human race on earth descends from visitors from Mars. If he was pulling our legs, he sure never let on, and he did have some literature that he could point to. I never noticed any reticence or anything. He knew very well that everyone thought that was preposterous, but he didn’t.
That’s very different from the much more common case of your neighbors et al. who have fallen under the spell of some religious nuttery. They do know it isn’t supported by anything in the real world and doesn’t even make any particular sense, and that’s actually an element of the thing: their faith would be nothing, if it were backed up by the real world and its logic.
But that’s weird, isn’t it? And there’s going to be some degree of an essential conflict, between them and anyone who just thinks it’s a crock, that’s very different from people you disagree with over anything else. It’s kind of unfortunate if it makes them steer clear of unbelievers, because it’s probably the best cure: hang out with the barmaid, not because she argues but because she has it together without the invisible dad.
In other words, I don’t entirely buy this strip. The US is now looking down the barrel of a theocracy putsch, but that isn’t coming from the “you made me feel uncomfortable” crowd.