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You shouldn’t flip tables, Jesus.

Discussion (16)¬

  1. Alverant says:

    In Mo’s defense, there is biblical justification for taking sex slaves. Abraham did it (Genesis 12:16) and God commanded it (Numbers 13:31 among others).

  2. M27Holts says:

    Yeah but Genesis and Numbers is made up bollocks innit, Mo is the genuine article unless his historical authenticity is also under scrutiny…

  3. Vanity Unfair says:

    First I was blocked then told I had already submitted the comment. The robot cannot have it both ways. Third try….”posting too quickly”
    Money changers not lenders: the Temple only accepted kosher (probably not the correct term) money. Roman and Greek coinage was unacceptable so in order to buy the sacrificial animals &c money had to be changed. There was a charge for this service, of course, and the Temple authorities took a percentage, of course. This was the cause of Jesus’s anger and I am with him on this one. See John 2:14 ff and probably others.

  4. Matthew Stannard says:

    The tables were flipped in a flash,
    As Jesus denounced greed and cash.
    The coins hit the ground,
    But who looked around—
    And snuck off with handfuls to stash?

    We should be told!

  5. Rrr says:

    Fleecing the flock.

  6. Author says:

    Sorry, Vanity. Seems my anti-spam software is being a bit over-zealous. Have just updated it, maybe that’ll help.

  7. postdoggerel says:

    From your friend and mine, chatgpt… Coins fall, tables crash,
    Jesus drives the merchants out,
    Pure hearts sought within.

  8. tebirkes says:

    I note that J&M are always in a RHD auto. Have they ever ventured abroad, say to the EU or USA? (Author – you just need to flip the drawings.)
    I suppose they’d find bars & bodegas & cafés with equally stroppy serving wenches. I also wonder what Cock and Bull might be in German.

  9. Vanity Unfair says:

    To tebirkes: “The Cock and Bull” is rare as a pub name although separately quite common. For a tall tale in German, the best I can think of is “Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten” but no bull there.

  10. M27Holts says:

    You wouldn’t find mo in the “Saracens Head” pub thats for sure…I went in such a named pub in Stalmine, near Blackpool, circa 1985…and yes the pub sign was a severed saracens head….

  11. Shaughn says:

    @ tebirkes:
    Wikipedia says: “Cock and bull story” is an English-language idiom for a far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity.’

    The obvious German name for the pub should then be ‘Baron Munchhausen’.

  12. tebirkes says:

    Hey, great input folks! “Baron Munchhausen” is a favourite film, too.
    With Gernamy covered, I don’t suppose there’re any Dutchmen, Frenchmen, Italians, or Spaniards here who’d care to contribute provocative pub names? In Danish, the pub (bodega) name could be “Fis og Ballade”.

  13. M27Holts says:

    The problem being that for some reason, the bible and koran are protected from obvious bullshit credentials that is right through them like a word in a piece of Blackpool rock….The protection of holy bullahit is mankinds biggest mistake…

  14. Shaughn says:

    @ tebirkes,
    In Dutch the pub might be named ‘Broodje aap’, literally ‘monkey sandwich’ but that’s what we call urban myths and other far-fetched and fanciful stories or tales of highly dubious validity.

    Actually, there is a Rotterdam lunchroom of that name 🙂

  15. Donn Cave says:

    Local real estate agent told me there was a group of Muslims looking around for a restaurant setup, which they would run without serving alcohol. Which in Portugal is as wacky as it would be anywhere. I hope since then, they’ve become acquainted with jesusandmo.net, where Mo can be seen enjoying what presumably is real beer ( / ale / stout / not 0%.)

  16. Donn Cave says:

    I notice that we have all been legitimized with Real Person Badges, apparently retroactively unless it has been a feature all along I just didn’t notice.

    Everyone gets one, except .. guess who? Author. Dude, we know you’re real, or at least, I have faith!


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