Posts Tagged ‘bigotry’


Whosoever considers homosexuality to be a moral issue has committed an abomination: they shall surely be mocked.

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You can read the backstory and inspiration for this one here.

PATRON NEWS. All the patrons who pledged $10 or more per month, and who told me which comic they’d like printed, had their prints sent out in the post yesterday. A large number of you haven’t yet said which print you’d like signed and sent, which is a bit worrying. Are you not getting the messages from Patreon? Maybe you should check your spam folder?

This month’s raffle prize, for patrons of $4 and over per month, is a signed personalised copy of Vol 4 – Big Al. The draw will be on 1st of August. Good luck!


Bigots are an oppressed group.

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I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.