Posts Tagged ‘death’


Congrats to Dries from Norway on winning this month’s raffle prize – a signed J&M book of your choice.

If you want to join the raffley fun, and keep the blasphemy flowing, please consider becoming a Patron.

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Happy Easter.

This month’s raffle prize winner is Alain from France. Felicitations, Alain! You win a signed copy of Wrong Again God Boy.

You can join the raffle fun here:

Become a Patron!


You know it makes sense.

Congratulations to this month’s raffle prizewinner, Michael from Illinois. He wins a signed copy of Wrong again, God boy.

As Jesus & Mo approaches its 13th birthday, please consider throwing a little financial encouragement our way each month by becoming a Patron. Apart from anything else, it makes Imran Khan mad:

Become a Patron!

