Story link.
Link to multiple translations of quoted verse.
That’s the least of it.
This month’s raffle winner is Jean-François, who gets a signed print of his choice.
The source text for today’s strip.
Because that’s problematic.
This is just Koranophobia, pure and simple.
Flat Earth it is, then.
The wife-of-an-adopted-son story is from Koran 33.37, and Aisha’s observation is from Bukhari 6:60:311.
It may not be subtle, but neither is the Koran.
Congratulations to Larry from California, the 10-month Patron who wins this month’s raffle prize.
1. birth 2. women2 3. abuse2 4. egg 5. hear 6. used 7. dress 8. small 9. tweet 10. fools2
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