Posts Tagged ‘Saudi Arabia’


There should be a law against it. Oh wait, there is. In Saudi


Why do we even bishop?

To those patrons patiently awaiting their signed prints and raffle prizes, please hang in there! You haven’t been forgotten – it’s just taking some time to get things right. Plus I’m still pounding out the clerihews – though there are only about eleven left to go at the time of writing.

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can read all about it here.)

a bit

Many thanks to Saudi Arabia for this week’s strip.


Based on an old story from 2013.


… and statutory tea-breaks for floggers.


Prompted by Saudi Arabia’s announcement that they’ll let women drive – don’t get too excited.

This month’s raffle winner is Kingdog UK. Congrats, Kingdog – you win a signed and dedicated copy of Wrong again, god boy.

You can join in the raffley fun here:

(There are currently around 100 in the monthly draw)


They got to learn somehow.

Congrats to Gerald from Orlando, who wins this month’s raffle prize!

You can join the raffle fun and help support the comic by becoming a Patron here:

Become a Patron!

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That’s just unnecessary.